Saturday, May 29, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Graduation & Greatfulness Daybook

Outside my window … Rain an gloom, but this weekend looks much better!
I am thinking … I can't believe that I am done with my Master's program, graduation and all! Holy crazy!
I am thankful for … my friends, especially Sandra, a friend that came into my life by pure luck, but God knew what he was doing when he brought the Dunigan's into our lives!
I am reading … The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, a new book for one of my classes and I am really enjoying the practical outlook it has.
I am hoping … that conferences will go quickly this week :-)
On my mind … lots of crazy little things, but mostly about our upcoming trip to as Bel says... Mickey's House.
We’re learning to take deep breaths, or maybe that's just me.
Noticing that Bel loves to garden, she and the Husband planted her veggie garden last Sunday morning, she also has purple cone flowers growing and a Veggie Tales greenhouse of snap dragons (Which happen to be my favorite summer garden flower.) They remind me of my grandfather, and how much I miss him every day, wishing he could have met my baby.
Pondering these words give her pills... really because the poor dog does not want anyone near her mouth, so how are we supposed to do that
A few plans for the week … Conferences and taking care of Karamia.
From the kitchen Its a take out kind of a week!
Around the house lots of cards, mothers day and graduation.
One of my favorite things … watching my little girl sleeping, so peaceful, so beautiful.
A Picture or more that I am sharing...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Busy Little Bee

We have been very busy lately and it amazes me that we remember to have a camera with at all times. Though not much is new, pictures are always fun to share.