Monday, December 31, 2007

Welcome to the family!

As many of you who check this may know that this past weekend DM's brother Doug got married to the most amazing person! Stacey officially joined the klan on Saturday afternoon which was filled with many smiles and joyful tears! What a blessing she is to Doug and the rest of us! The picture above is of Stacey with her "new" (she has been around for a while) nephew Jake standing next to his dad Andy, DM and our soon to be brother in law Eric. What a wonderful thing to add another loving person to this beautiful family!

1 comment:

a1harmony said...

I will second that statement of Stacey being a great addition to our family! The wedding was a great celebration and some of us enjoyed dancing till midnite.

My life is blessed with my children and the wonderful spouses they have all chosen (including the spouse-to-be)and Isabel!! Looking forward to a marvelous 2008.