Monday, March 17, 2008

Busy day for a little girl!

Weekends are beginning to be much more relaxed now that I am done coaching for the year. Saturday we relaxed and did a whole lot of nothing. Sunday on the other hand was a very busy day for all of us, but especially for the little Bel. We (Bel and Mommy) woke up as we normally do on a Sunday morning around 7:00am. I woke DM up asking if he was up to going to mass, but he simply rolled over and closed his eyes. The easy solution to this is to lay the baby next to him and she squeals in delight that she is next to Dada, then she reaches over with those chubby little arms and grabs at his face until he is awake and talking with her.

We got ready and headed down to church for Palm Sunday and met Auntie Stacey and Uncle Doug who were saving us spots. The baby and I went to the gathering space where mass would begin and followed Father, the alter servers and the cross into the worship space. Bel was intrigued by the waving palms and so badly wanted to eat them (I wish she felt that way about baby food). After mass we chatted with one of our professors from college and then went for lunch with Auntie, Uncle, Grandpa George and Grandma Sandie.

LO was exhausted when we left the restaurant and she closed her eyes as we headed to Grandpa D's and Grandma JJ's. Asleep for 10 minutes... what a nap! The spotted puppies greeted us at the door and the Bel was happy to see them. She then spent the next 3 hours playing with Grandma and Grandpa before her little body was exhausted and we headed home. As some of you know she is not exactly the ideal car passenger and she cried until we were 10 minutes from home when she fell asleep. When we got home she was awake again and stayed that way until she was snuggled up on the couch and we were watching Big Brother. We put her down, but it was like having a newborn again... up every 2 hours and wouldn't go back to bed until she ate, each and every time! Thank God I am on Spring Break!

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