Monday, April 14, 2008

She is her daddy's daughter

After a long day following Lauren's baptism we came home and snuggled in for Big Brother. Our LO snuggled in with me as we waited for the show to start when she woke up and startled herself with a unhealthy sounding cough. The cough scared her so much that the tears immediately followed and caused the cough to get worse. I decided we needed to go out to the gym so she could see her daddy and calm down. This worked briefly but as we soon would discover it was going to be a long night. The sound was very similar to the night back in early December when she was diagnosed with Croup so we tried all the "tricks" the dr.'s had taught us to help her air ways return to normal.... unfortunately it didn't work as well this time. Bel came to bed with us and I held her upright most of the night which seemed to allow a bit of relief for her but we still had some attacks that caused some panic for her and us.

I had already made an appt. for after school for her but at about 3:00am enough was enough. I went on got a sub, wrote up lesson plans and called the 24 hour appt. line and asked for an early appointment. Thankfully there was a 10am with Dr. Mark! Well the good dr. saw us and has decided that our princess is in fact her daddy's daughter... asthma it is!

On top of that you may notice in the 2nd picture she has an orange band aid on her finger.. a little finger prick for the road. She thinks having a band aid is kind of neat which I guess helps out the situation.

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