Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sleep... Whats that?

Many people have said that you are lucky if you have a big baby, there are so many benefits. So yes we were blessed with a "big" girl, if you consider a 5 inch scar across your abdomen lucky, lucky if you see the arm strength we have gained. But why is it that people you talk to and books you read say that my big baby should have been sleeping through the night already. Well in our visit with the good Dr. last week I was told that Bel should not be eating in the middle of the night any more, not only that but she should be sleeping soundly all night.

Well we are on our way! I am no longer holding my princess until she falls asleep, we are putting her to bed and letting her fall asleep on her own. I am no longer getting up with my baby in the middle of the night, DM has taken on that task. First night was horrible! That is the most polite way to put it as DM ended up sleeping on her bedroom floor because she was waking up every hour. Last night was 1 million times better as she only woke up twice. It is hard to give up one of my most treasured parts about my relationship with my daughter. Those middle of the night meetings were just for us and now they are gone. I know that it is just part of her growing and becoming her own little person just like so many other things she has learned recently but it doesn't make it any easier.

On the bright side staying in bed for an entire night seems so new to me. I do not think I have stayed in bed all night since January of '07. What a difference it is to have a full nights rest! DM is helping her settle back in when she wakes so he now is learning why I love the snooze!

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