Friday, June 13, 2008

Long time no post...

It has been well over a month since the last time I have posted to our blog! Well as many of you know LO's tend to have lots of changes in very little time. Bel is now 10 and 1/2 months old and she is turning into such a big girl! As you can see from the last post on May 7th that moving is now in the cards, but in that video as her Uncle Doug said if you were to add the sounds of the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park to the video it would be fitting :-) Currently you would have to fast forward that sound for it to fit how quick that little baby moves. Bel also loves to pull herself up on the couch and walk along side it. She also likes to hold on to various items with one hand and bend to touch with the other.

Mama, dada, baba, nono, ball and yes woof are her current vocabulary. She is certainly part Jackson as when you tell her no she looks at you smiles and continues doing whatever it is that you have asked her not to do. As the last word of her vocabulary shows dogs/puppy's are at the top of her loves. She crawls up on Kara and lays down to snuggle on her, pets her and kisses her. She has two puppies at Mary's (daycare) who she also loves to see every morning and Grandma and Grandpa's dalmatians she is pretty fond of too.

She now has 4 teeth, two on top and two on bottom and she loves trying big people food, which Grandpa David loves to feed her (which includes chocolate milk). She also likes to use her new teeth to mark furniture with her own little two teeth mark.

As for DM and myself we have been keeping busy working hard on the outside of the house. We have made some major changes to the landscape which was much needed and continue to enjoy the yard that we so desperately wanted. Dm is still working hard at work and I thank the Lord I am on summer vacation and promise to update more often.

Below you will find a number of different photos that have taken place from the last month since I posted. Hope you enjoy!

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