Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is one of the best parts of being a teacher. I used to look forward to sleeping in until 10 and getting up to watch "trash" TV, but for obvious reasons my summer vacations have changed forever! Bel is usually awake sometime between 6:30 and 7:15 a harsh change from summers past. Though I miss those days of sleeping in there is something about waking up and starting the day with my little girl and watching her explore the world.

Her strong personality is growing by the day as she learns to ask for things she wants and needs (naps, food and to go outside) along with many others. She is making connections between pictures in her books to items in her everyday life like ball and dog. Her love for animals and play time are so much fun to be apart of that it makes me wonder constantly as to what she will do next. She is making her way to the walking world as she uses a push behind toy to walk and has learned to ride on a little "bike" at the cabin pictured below and has a little ride on "car" that our neighbors gave her here at home. So much learning and achieving in her little body and to think that she is only going to be 1 next month!

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