Thursday, July 10, 2008

Summer Adventures

(Brandon on the left with Griffin & Rob on the right with Bel)
Summer vacation... how sweet it is to be a teacher! Since our summer has started it has been so much fun to be at home. Bel is constantly discovering new things and becoming more independent by the minute. Time has gone by so quickly that its hard to believe that she will be one in only a couple of weeks.

(Kiss for Bel)

In trying to keep up with her constant need to explore new things DM and I have ventured out into the big world of family oriented places; parks, zoo's, museums and at the end of next week the water park. We will also be attending our upcoming parish picnic that will have many fun things to do as well (Father Charlie in a dunk tank???)!

(A ride in Cinderella's carriage)

We have had a blast at these places and continue to enjoy the fun that we are living not only through ourselves but also through our LO. We recently have been spending more time with good friends Sandra and Brandon and their LO Griffin (who many of you may know as our future SIL, or her boyfriend). Bel and her BF are two weeks shy of being a year apart and it is so much fun to watch them together and listen to their style of communication!

(Bel's mommy was a swimmer and Griffin's mommy was a diver... playing in the water is what they know best!)

(Driving together!)

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