Monday, July 28, 2008

A year in the life of Bel

Since the beginning of our blog last December it has been our goal for you our family and friends to stay up to date on our LO's latest and greatest with a little bit of info on DM and myself mixed in. When the blog first started Bel was all of 5 months old and had just learned to sit up on her own and now she is officially 1 year old. Every time we look at our little angel it reminds us how fast time really goes. We thank God every day she has been in our lives, from the first day we saw her on the ultrasound at 7 weeks and now when she wakes up calling to us with a smile. We are so blessed that she has each and every one of you in her life

Below is a recap of our baby from 20 weeks gestation until her 1st birthday party.

1 comment:

PugLover said...

I love the year in the life photos! I'm so glad you gave me the link so I can still get the Bel updates!