Monday, July 21, 2008


The pictures speak for themselves. Bel hit the pavement (no not walking) literally. We were talking with neighbors in their driveway last Tuesday night when she wanted to stand. So I put her down and she did really well for a while. As her little self got tired there was no where for her little toes to dig into and splat... there she went. Thinking it was just a little road rash I tried to calm her down until DM saw the blood in her mouth. We went home to clean her up and there we saw her little tooth had been pushed into the gum a little (this is the tooth that has been taking forever to come in) and the blood on the gums was a little scary. So on top of the week we had already had with the eye Dr. for me after she scratched my eye we now need to head to the dentist. So Wednesday morning off to Dr. Kris for a mommy and baby dentist visit. All this before she is one! What on earth will the next year of her life bring us?

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