Monday, January 28, 2008

Happy Half Birthday Baby!

The first picture she is just hours old, the second she is three months and sitting in the recalled bumbo chair and the last picture is today at six months eating her first bowl of cereal.
It is absolutely amazing to look back on the last six months to see how much changes. Bel was born 6 months ago today at 4:22 in the afternoon via unplanned c-section weighing in at 9lbs 8.4oz and measured in at 22 inches (tall). She has changed so much since then. She provides us with constant joy both in awake moments as well as those where she is sleeping so peacefully. Our little girl has gone to the cabin and she has traveled to Texas. She has rolled over and tried her best to not do it again (she doesn't like being on her tummy), she loves to smile and cuddle and like her mommy she loves to watch people all around her. She is finding her voice with baba's and dada's, goo's and gaa's and sometimes treats us to a very high pitched screech that her daddy just loves! Bel loves to jump in her Jumparoo at home and in her Rainforest Jumparoo at Grandma and Grandpa's. She loves her puppies (Kara,the Dalmatians and Gus Gus too.), spending time with family and going to Mary's where she has two more puppies to love and lots of kids to watch all day long! Our beautiful little girl has changed so much in such a small amount of time that it is hard to keep up with all that she does and is doing. We hope this blog not only helps us to hold on to everything she does, but we also hope it allows you to keep up with us in our ever changing lives.

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