Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Palace Club House

Bel experienced her first and most likely last swim meet in the "Palace Club House." Some of you who read this know personally what its like to live in the water there, but sadly (or happily) the "Palace" will soon be replaced by a multi-million dollar natatorium/field house facility on the beautiful Saint Paul campus that many of us have called home over the years. The baby and I met Leah at the pool on Friday night after I finished practice with my team and picked up the princess from home and headed down in the cold of winter. Its a very different place to be when you are not the one swimming in the 5 lane pool (which leaks thousands of gallons a day) but brings back many wonderful memories like waking up for early morning workouts with the sun coming in the glass block windows which is nothing short of spectacular, or holding hands saying the Our Father, or praying to Mary before a meet. Such wonderful memories to look back on and knowing that such traditions live on with the new Tommies is very comforting. More than anything is was nice to take my LO to UST and though she will not remember the visit, maybe some day DM and I can go watch her swim in the new pool (which will be around 17 years old) when she becomes a little Tommie herself!

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